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Impassioned Sales Solutions, LLC | Houston, TX

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Sandler Training

Prospects can't wait to ask for the price. Frequently, it's the first thing out of their mouth ... before they even know what they're getting.

Most salespeople were taught to "never take 'no' for an answer." So, when the prospect said "no," the salesperson, mentally consulting his "overcoming stalls and objections" list, fired back a response designed to turn the "no" into a "yes."

You plant the seed - the concept - and provide information to fire the prospect's imagination - which allows the seed to grow. Then, you sell the implementation.

The mark of a true sales professional has been his or her ability to thoroughly answer a prospect's questions, demonstrate knowledge and expertise, and provide detailed information about the product or service. The salesperson was praised for his or her ability to convey ideas to the prospect and then influence, persuade, and convince the prospect to buy.

As this article comes off the press, the second quarter of the year is fast approaching. Are your salespeople at least a quarter of the way toward hitting their sales goals for the year?

People Don't Buy Features and Benefits, They Buy Ways to Avoid or Overcome Pain - The Tactic

With a new year just over the horizon, it's time to take stock of where you are. Without question, 2015 has been a rocky year for many businesses. Some thrived; others barely survived. Regardless of how your company fared, the question is the same: What are you going to do in 2016?

You might think that certain features or benefits of your product or service would help you close a sale if only your prospect knows about the features or benefits. But it would be a mistake to paint a seagull in your prospect's picture.

A good sales plan establishes goals, priorities, timetables, and necessary resources. A sales plan that will achieve your ends has these characteristics.

No one will dispute the benefits of thinking "outside the box." New perspectives. New insights. New ideas. Innovations. Progress. Transformation.